Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hi All.
Camp was cancelled- this year-due to spotty enrollment.  I cannot do it without an assistant, and had to let her go do other things..
I know this camp would be great- if different.  What makes it different is the familiarity that comes with such a small group.  And the expertise in art ( two professionals) the small group would get.  It is structured, but not- like my studio art classes.  Much is left up to the childs sense of exploration.  We would run around New York, do art things, like galleries and museums, see nature, and exert ourselves in hiking and swimming.  Then we would react to these experience in a new and demanding art form- mobiles.

Perhaps you think this is too tame for your older child ( 8 to 11).  Perhaps he or she has taken class with me before and you want him/her to branch out.  Why not?  I agree.  But why not also have a little bit of safe, relaxing growth mixed in?   Why not give them one week, 2 if you want, in a camp that is safe and filled with new experiences at the same time?

Think about it.  And let me know via email- throughout the year.  If I get the interest I need, will do it next year.  But would rather spend my money on materials than on advertising.  So let me and your friends know.

Happy Summer!  Mine will be. With family, painting, and off to an artist residency in Sept.


PS- read the published article, next post down.  If new to my sort of art education scroll through all the older posts and you will be amazed at the work.

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