Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Student Exhibit and Holiday Party this Saturday, Dec. 22nd, from 1 to 4!  Bring your relatives, friends, and possile future students!

Your childs work will be displayed and we will have Pias Sweet Potato Pie, whipped cream, and whatever you want to contribute.

I look forward to seeing all of you!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

                        As promised I am posting some photos of the students hard at work.  Enjoy!

                                             Tuesday a.m. class- Lucy and Caroline. 4 yrs.
My youngest, and smallest class- I broke my rule of "at least 3"  for these two, who had been waiting.  This is their first color mixing from primary colors experience, and their work is spectacular.  It is a pleasant morning time, adults sipping coffee and tea and the girls chatting and working.  We recently started clay work, with oven fired and air-drying clay, which the girls will paint using their new color mixing skills.
Lucy Painting

                                                                       Caroline at work

We're starting to work in clay!

Tuesday PM Class- 8 and 9 yrs
This class could be called:  The Drawers and the Painters- or that is the way it seems sometimes.  The students are at an age of tremendous pressure, around what it means to be a "good artist". Yes, it starts this young.  I am working hard to get them to cross boundaries of what they have been good at, to stop judging their efforts in different media- while respecting their own likes and strengths-art flows when we are doing what interests us, usually.  
 I didn't put the pressure there, but recognize it exists and want to empower the kids to see they can do whatever they want. This semester the drawers are learning to mix colors while the painters have been learning that drawing is like painting,as varied as the individuals doing it.  If they want to draw what they see (because that is what is expected of them ) they can.  And then move on.  I have found continuous line drawing to be a method that helps the student to see the way things are connected, and loosens them up- once they relax with it.
We do both, and some clay and collage as well.  This class is about the entire art experience, and the whole child.  It is also about working with others who may have different interests and abilities. Next semester I feel the creative energy will just explode in all directions, fueled by confidence. They are all working very hard- taking risks. I am so proud of them.
You will see more of their wonderful work at the student art exhibit, Dec. 22nd in my studio. 

                                                            Jordan and Julian Y- Wall Painting
                                                            Julian and his work- pensive          
                                                Julian P and Noah at work in their "studios"
 Ana and Violet pose for Continuous Line Drawing
                 Tues. Pm students, siblings, parents, and caregivers, coats, boots and strollers-  leaving.

                                                             Wednesday Class- 4-6 yrs
A quiet little class that recently grew to four.  Two of the students have worked with me before- two are new this year.  We have worked in color mixing, and matching- with great success.  All kinds of clay, and bead (or other jewelry) making and painting. The students have worked on the wall and at their desks.  It is a wonderful delightful class. The artists are very motivated.

Violet and Ana on a fall day- matching the color of flowers

                                                   The girls gradually mix their skin tones
Two new students join-Nikita and Asha.  Well actually Asha returns after a year- we are so happy to have them in the class!

Asha adds RED
Nikita blending some wonderful colors
And at the end, we dance...
                                      Asha and her red again- this time she paints with  a scarf
                                                    Thursdays Class- 6 and 7 yrs.
Now these kids paint!  Just three of them, but as a class they work hard and furiously.  As you can see, the paintings and confidence are wonderful.  We have worked on tables, floors and walls.  They love it all. Students have learned to control their work- when to stop and say-" its done" so one painting does not morph into five or six.  How to keep their colors clean so they can mix just the one they want. How to use long brushes and their whole bodies.  After giving them the tools, I stand back and watch.  That is the best teaching experience one can have.
Chloe with what will be "Girl with Green Hair"
Ian and Claude at work on Wall Paintings
Claude overheard:  "I don't want this to be a face"
Another Claude painting
Ian, done. With his and Claudes whimsical wall paintings

Chloe carefully considers each stroke
some rather exuberant scarf "dancing"

All for now.  Don't forget the Student Exhibit and Holiday Party, Dec. 22, 1-4, here!